Wednesday, May 31, 2006

sunny California here I come!

I found out last night that a paper I had sent to a wireless comm. conference (WPMC2006) in San Diego has been accepted. The conf. is scheduled for Sept. 17-20. I picked the poster presentation even though it takes a lot more effort to make a poster than a powerpoint presentation. butI need the experience.

I've been to California before but never to San Diego. Dont they have a famous zoo or something?! I hear its quite nice. The conference has made special arrangements for participants to stay at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla. Thats a little too fancy for me. I have an Aunt living in San Jose whom I'm dying to see, maybe I'll stay with her. Anyways I think this is going to be a perfect opportunity to do a road trip across the state. I might even rent a car and go straight from here! Heck I may even go east and pay a visit to the place where I grew up!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A journey into darkness

Lately Ive been thinking more about death.

you might say its too soon but its not death exactly that I think about. and most certainly its not fear. In fact death intrigues me, the notion of what lies beyond. For me, at this point, its more about the journey. The foreseeable journey of premature death. For all intentional proposes I may contract some sort of deadly disease. Aids, cancer etc. Doesn't matter. Its about the journey. The experience intrigues me. No doubt my life will change. But how? how will I react to people? how will I look at my friends? my family? Will I still believe in love? What will I see when I look up at the stars at night? How will I embrace my destiny. Perhaps it will be the most definite think I will ever come to know in my life. I see an irony in this. That perhaps the certainty in death will solidify my belief in life. In love. In god. And ultimately in myself. The question is: can I transform my thinking now, this moment without the necessity to sacrifice?

Can I truly believe?


Monday, May 29, 2006

I am not sure if there will be...

Anything to worry,
Anything to shout about,
Anything to hate,
Anything to care about,
Anything to dig,
Anything to find about,

When I find her.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

quote me

Oscar Wilde:
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
La beauté est dans les yeux de celui qui regarde

fortunately I experienced this far before I heard it.


Friday, May 26, 2006

When will it start?

Wehn Wlil ti Srtat?
Wehn Wlil ti Dne?
Wehn Wlil I Ksis Reh?
Wehn Wlil Ehs Ksis Em Bcak?
I Fele Cfonuesd, I Fele Clod


Two man advanced analyze group


nowhere land...

I turn 26 in two months.

where am I?
how much am I?

with which currency shall I count?

to whoms eyes shall I cheer?

Je Reviens - Autour De Lucie

Je reviens
Je reviens, encore
Tu n'as même pas vu
Que j'étais partie alors
Je suis revenu
Comme on rentrerait au port
De passer
Par dessus bord
Je reviens
Je reviens et j'ignore
Ce qui nous ramène
Ce qui nous ramène au bord
On a déjà vu
La mer rendre certains corps
Qu'on avait dit portés disparus

I return I return, again
You have not even seen That I had left
then I returned as one would return to the tired harbor to go through over the edge
I return I return and I am unaware of what brings us back
This that brings us back to the edge
One already saw
The sea to render certain bodies
That One had said reported missing


Thursday, May 25, 2006

dissonant love, unison hearts

He told her he likes the times they dress akin...
She told him she likes the times he held her near and their hearts would beat in unison...

He told her to be strong and never be affraid to love again...
She told him she finds her strength in solitude. her love..

He told her they were different...
She told him she would help him find his pulse...

I never did find it...

and I miss her like crazy


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

no comment. just sad.

نماينده جيرفت و عنبرآباد در مجلس هفتم گفت: پس از 28 سال از پيروزي انقلاب روستايي در نزديكي عنبرآباد كشف شده كه مردم آنجا همانند مردم نخستين غارنشين هستند. به گزارش خبرنگار پارلماني" ايلنا" علي زادسر جيرفتي، نماينده جيرفت در جمع خبرنگاران پارلماني گفت: بسيار متاسف و شرمنده هستم كه بايد بگويم پس از 28 سال از پيروزي انقلاب سربازان گمنام وزارت اطلاعات در زمستان سال 84 روستايي را در 120 كيلومتري شهرستان عنبرآباد كشف كرده‌‏اند كه مردم آن همانند مردم نخستين، غارنشين و برهنه هستند و با برگ درختي تغذيه مي‌‏كنند.وي با بيان اينكه اين روش پيدنكوئيد نام دارد، افزود: ساكنان آن حدود 200 نفر هستند كه در كوه زندگي مي‌‏كنند و هرگز از دره‌‏ها و بيشه هاي محل سكونت خود خارج نشده‌‏اند.زادسر گفت: طبق اظهارات برخي از مسؤولان كه به آنجا رفته‌‏اند، ساكنان اين روستا هيچ اطلاعي از خدا، دين، اسلام و ولايت ندارند و هرگز در عمر خود وسيله نقليه نديده‌‏اند و از هيچ دارو و دكتري استفاده نكرده‌‏اند.نماينده جيرفت با تاكيد بر اينكه ما به مسؤولان جمهوري اسلامي نمي‌‏گوئيم به مسلمانان مظلوم و محروم ساير كشورها كمك نكنند، افزود: چراغي كه به خانه رواست به مسجد حرام است، جهت اطلاع مسؤولاني كه دهها دهها ميليون دلار به كشورهاي ديگر كمك مي كنند، بايد عرض كنم در جنوب استان كرمان فقط از جمعيت 700 هزار نفري، 300 هزار نفر كپرنشين هستند و هنوز روستاهاي كشف نشده آنجا وجود دارد.نماينده جيرفت تصريح كرد: به هيات دولت و رييس‌‏جمهوري كه در آينده به استان كرمان سفر مي‌‏كنند، عرض مي‌‏كنم مساحت جنوب كرمان از بافت تا منوجان 60 هزار كيلومتر و بيش از 7 شهرستان با محروميتي بيش از جنوب خراسان است كه اصلي‌‏ترين و اولين تقاضايشان جدا شدن از استان كرمان است.


so... it seems as if they knew "Velayat and God and Islam and Religion" and were surviving on tree leaves, it would be ok for government..and i wonder from when "Velayat" started being as important as "God, religion and Islam".


she reminded me of someone...

While ago, around noon me and ali were smokin by MBC building at university. guess who was there? Patricia Arquette from Lost Highways. she was also smoking. I thought for a moment i should go to her and say:
me: We've met before, haven't we?
girl: I don't think so. where was it you think we met?
me: at your house. Don't u remember?
girl: No, no I don't.
me: We've just killed a couple of people
It could be a damn nice start. but, well, she probably didn't know who she looked like and she would say "excuse me! who the fuck are you!".


No fucking subject for this post!

smoking.....does it really make me feel better? or it just takes me away from real world for a couple of minutes? Staring at the smoke coming out of my mouth; it's as I'm creating something... something unique, beautiful (which is hard to do in 3 minutes otherwise). It might be because I'm afraid of stereotypes; doing the things other people do. Eating, working, sleeping, mating and ... I can't be like them, we should be different.... I'm afraid of being the same; If I'm like everyone else.... Who the hell cares.. Lets go and smoke another one. It feels good and that's what important. fuck logic and science and being rational and all that crap. Life is about moments; each and every moment. Do whatever you like to do, fuck, eat, sleep, drink. That's what I'm trying to do. fucking part is not working quite well these days, but I'm getting good at sleeping and drinking :D


Monday, May 22, 2006


one of these mornings.
wont be very long...
you will look for me...
and I'll be gone


A not so sunny Sunday

In an effort to escape Vancouver's gloomy weather we head out east to Harrison Hot Springs with two of our friends. To say it was an adventurous day would be an understatement. After being kicked out of 2 national parks we found a perfect spot to make a fire at 2am. I just hope BC didn't see any forest fires last night because we would be the first people in the suspects list!
I admit I've been feeling pretty shitty lately and this was what I needed. A couple cans of beer, a sizzling fire, a pitch black forest, a sky full of stars and some very laid back friends. What else can a person ask for?


::Obviously the confusion is still present 2:30am::

Saturday, May 20, 2006

give me one more. just one

sometimes you know you just HAVE to go back...


Friday, May 19, 2006

free the weed

You gotta love B.C. !
There is a lot of effort in legalizing cannabis here. Did you know that in 1978 the US federal government set up pot farms for pharmaceutical patients? In 1992 Bush senior blew the whole thing down. You can guess why. But I wonder of all the drugs out there is weed all that bad? Would we rather have drunk drivers on our streets or high drivers? You ask me and Ill take the stoned dude anyday. He'll be driving 40 and think he's going 180! no harm there.
oh and this is interesting:
number of deaths caused by recreational drugs per year

alcohol = 50'000
tobacco = 440'000
cannabis = 0

think about it.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


for about 7 minutes it smelled like shomal as I came back home tonight.


Hairy Girls

There is this indian girl working at coffee shop in our university (Actually there are like 4 of em), I was always wondering why they dont shave or wipe away all the hairs they have all around their body. Today I had less hair in my face than one of them taking order from me (of course i had shaved in the morning :D ).

I think women are attractive to men for two main reasons:

1st- personality
2nd- sexual features

the first one doesn't have any direct relations to the second one (although most beautiful women are dumb. lol). If a women wants to use her gifts and have the sex ready on table, she should fit in the general catagory of "sexy chick". most important characteristic of these "sexy chicks" is NO APPARANT BODY HAIR.



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

somewhere, something went terribly wrong

Ive always been a firm believer of evolution. Its a topic I like debating about. And Ive talked about it with a lot of so called "smart" people. Then I heard this comedian on TV say: "I dont get it. If evolution is true, why do we still have monkeys?!". I thought that was funny yet I personally found it hard to answer. Until I read this today.


(source = AP)
NEW YORK - One of the most detailed comparisons yet of human and chimp DNA shows that the split between the two species was a long, messy affair that may even have featured an unusual evolutionary version of breakup sex.

Previous genetic research has shown that chimpanzees and humans are sister species, having split off from a common ancestor about 7 million years ago. The new study goes farther by looking at approximately 800 times more DNA than earlier efforts.

That additional data make it possible to determine not just when, but how the split happened.

"For the first time we're able to see the details written out in the DNA," said Eric Lander, one of the collaborators on the study. "What they tell us at the least is that the human-chimp speciation was very unusual."

Unusual, indeed. The researchers, from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, propose that humans and chimpanzees first split up about 10 million years ago. Then, after evolving in different directions for about 4 million years, they got back together for a brief fling that produced a third, hybrid population with characteristics of both lines.

That genetic collaboration then gave rise to two separate branches — one leading to humans and the other to chimps.

The work has inspired both admiration and skepticism. Many paleontologists have a hard time believing that some of the fossil humans that are known to have lived during that era could have been pairing up with apes.

"It's a totally cool and extremely clever analysis," said Daniel Lieberman, a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard who wasn't involved in the study. "My problem is imagining what it would be like to have a bipedal hominid and a chimpanzee viewing each other as appropriate mates — not to put it too crudely."

Past studies that compared human and chimp DNA could only average the differences between a limited number of spots in their genetic codes to come up with a single date for the split, rather than a span of years. The genius of the new study is that it breaks the genetic code into pieces and then looks at each section individually.

Surprisingly, some genes differ so much between the two species that they must not have been mixing for the past 10 million years. But others are similar enough that they appear to have been in contact no more than 6.3 million years ago.

That finding, and some details about which particular genes split when, led the study's authors to propose their controversial scenario.

The new data also suggest the final human-chimp split was much more recent than the 7 million-year date that fossils and previous studies indicate — certainly no earlier than 6.3 million years ago, and more likely in the neighborhood of 5.4 million years.

nerds and fools

don't be fooled by the name of this blog, Im totaly against smoking and never encourage anyone to pick up the habit. I was on the corner of broadway and commercial today waiting for my girlfriend, when I saw this kid smoking with his buddy. Now normally I wouldn't mind specially considering the location. But I realized that this kid was far too young to be smoking. He must have been 14. What a shame I thought. I guess I was fortunate to go through adolescence with nerdy friends!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

only 2??!!!



baby we'll be fine

I'm always overwhelmed by the power of music. how it can touch my soul at times I feel nothing else can. and these lyrics explain precisely how I felt today.

Baby, come over, I need entertaining......
I had a stilted, pretending day.......................
Lay me down and say something pretty...........Lay me back down where I wanted to stay
Just say something perfect, something I can steal...............
Say, look at me::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Baby, we'll be fine

All we've gotta do is be brave and be kind

watch the music video of this song here.


oldest satanism group in world..

yezidi group in kurdish region of Iraq, check the rest out by yourself.

Boogie Street - Leonard Cohen

O Crown of Light, O Darkened One,
I never thought we’d meet.
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
I’m back on Boogie Street.
A sip of wine, a cigarette,And then it’s time to go.
I tidied up the kitchenette;I tuned the old banjo.
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam.They’re saving me a seat.
I’m what I am, and what I am,Is back on Boogie Street.

And O my love, I still recallThe pleasures that we knew;
The rivers and the waterfall,Wherein I bathed with you.
Bewildered by your beauty there,I’d kneel to dry your feet.
By such instructions you prepareA man for Boogie Street.O Crown of Light, O Darkened One…So come, my friends, be not afraid.We are so lightly here.

It is in love that we are made;
In love we disappear.

Tho’ all the maps of blood and fleshAre posted on the door,
There’s no one who has told us yetWhat Boogie Street is for.
O Crown of Light, O Darkened One,
I never thought we’d meet.
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
I’m back on Boogie Street.

A sip of wine, a cigarette,And then it’s time to go . . .


Monday, May 15, 2006

way home

I happen to have my camra with me on my way back home from behrangs place. here is what I saw:


Sunday, May 14, 2006

its all about me...

ali has said pretty much everything about how we decided to start this blog. it will be all about weird observations, some funny, some bitter and some political. in short words, you will see all kind of shity, racial, radical, wrong and rude stuff here. be ready for that. it's all about me and what makes me laugh, be it making fun of fat people or the girl we meat at coffee shop.
probably by now you have found out about my fucked up english and spelling, but eh, its all about communication, if you got the point till now, you should be ok for the rest of blog.
writing is one of the things i am not sure if i like it or hate it, just like smoking or cooking and most of the daily things i do. so dont expect perfect wording and everyday posts, its all about sharing moments and i will do my best to keep it that way.



Saturday, May 13, 2006

And then it began...

So I've been wanting to start this blog for a while now. However I've been putting it off for some time for one lame excuse after another. Hmmm, perhaps a year even. So I thought what the heck let's get this thing going. The truth is, its also a pretty good way of wasting time after 2am.

Owing that I am not a particularly good writer I thought it would be a good idea to write this blog with one of my friends; Behrang (tricky pronunciation if your not Persian). Hopefully this will give the blog more diversity.

So what is the point in all this? Well for me it has a lot to do with self gratification. I enjoy observing everything around me , people included. Like everyone else I see a lot of beauty and a lot more humor. So most of my posts will be random observation from my days here in Vancouver. Music, relationships, love, friendship, politics, making fun of bus drivers, you name it, I'll talk about it. Depending on my mood on that particular day that is. hehe. Albeit I will make it as general as possible and all-in-all something that I will perhaps be amused by reading 10 years from now. So sit back , enjoy and if you find anything of the mildest interest just pop me a line.

-ayp (ali yazdan panah)