Sunday, May 14, 2006

its all about me...

ali has said pretty much everything about how we decided to start this blog. it will be all about weird observations, some funny, some bitter and some political. in short words, you will see all kind of shity, racial, radical, wrong and rude stuff here. be ready for that. it's all about me and what makes me laugh, be it making fun of fat people or the girl we meat at coffee shop.
probably by now you have found out about my fucked up english and spelling, but eh, its all about communication, if you got the point till now, you should be ok for the rest of blog.
writing is one of the things i am not sure if i like it or hate it, just like smoking or cooking and most of the daily things i do. so dont expect perfect wording and everyday posts, its all about sharing moments and i will do my best to keep it that way.




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