Saturday, May 13, 2006

And then it began...

So I've been wanting to start this blog for a while now. However I've been putting it off for some time for one lame excuse after another. Hmmm, perhaps a year even. So I thought what the heck let's get this thing going. The truth is, its also a pretty good way of wasting time after 2am.

Owing that I am not a particularly good writer I thought it would be a good idea to write this blog with one of my friends; Behrang (tricky pronunciation if your not Persian). Hopefully this will give the blog more diversity.

So what is the point in all this? Well for me it has a lot to do with self gratification. I enjoy observing everything around me , people included. Like everyone else I see a lot of beauty and a lot more humor. So most of my posts will be random observation from my days here in Vancouver. Music, relationships, love, friendship, politics, making fun of bus drivers, you name it, I'll talk about it. Depending on my mood on that particular day that is. hehe. Albeit I will make it as general as possible and all-in-all something that I will perhaps be amused by reading 10 years from now. So sit back , enjoy and if you find anything of the mildest interest just pop me a line.

-ayp (ali yazdan panah)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

5:09 AM  

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