Monday, August 13, 2007


So here I go again. I guess "go" would be the correct word here-but in a way its not. This time is different, its more like "leaving". yeah leaving is better. but its not better is it? it feels like I'm leaving and going into nothingness. a total blank in every way i can think of. you know like those times when you know have to do something but know it'll hurt. take that feeling to the extreme and add a hint of uncertainty to it. that'll give you the weird feeling i have now.
so i packed all my stuff into 2 suitcases. I guess the emotional suitcase was the hardest to close. in fact some of is leaking out. some of stuff in it fell out onto the Vancouver airport luggage conveyor belt. the rest i take with me.... into nothingness.


Blogger Baner said...

Embrace the change, move forward and remember once you were feeling the same coming to Vancouver..
Was it really that nothingnessful? ;)

2:18 PM  

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