Monday, July 31, 2006


Saturday, July 29, 2006

asturias - prelude

We have a map of the piano - Mum

We Have A Map Of The Piano

Please don't flow so fastYou little mountain hum I'll take a bottle down to you

Please don't flow this fast You hold a little hum I'll bottle sounds of me for you

Please don't flow so fast You little mountain din I'll bottle piano sounds from you

Please don't flow so fast You little mountain noise I'll close my eyes and bite your tongue

Friday, July 28, 2006


I've always mocked people who run on the escalator to catch the skytrain. But yesterday something funny happened. Watching the people run to my left I got the urge to do the same you know just to see if it makes a difference. Sure enough as I ran up I was able to catch the train right before the doors closed. I sat down happily only to find out a minute later that I had gotten on the wrong train!

a little valse

Thursday, July 27, 2006

az yeki shenidam...

Names. Our names. Something so personal. yet we seldom give them second thoughts. Someone mentioned tonight how she felt her name would always keep her young. she said she couldn't imagine a grown women with her name. I told her I knew what she meant..only to find out seconds later that I didnt...

we grow up by the way people call the way they say our names not by how we say them. I thought about it for 17 seconds.. I understood..... Her name. Her childhood. All her laughter and all her playful hours. And in one second I saw her grow up into the women she is now.


the most magical moments in my life have come when I have least expected them. perhaps tonight was one of those times...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

tooty fruity

Here is the ad :"crystal light makes the water you need beautiful"
essentially its a to-go-powder that makes water fruity. Man talk about the obesity problem in the U.S. Now you gotta make water fruity and sweet for fat americans to drink it. Come on people its water!

Strength of solitude

On my way back I had a thought about loneliness and its ironies. How its darkness attracts me. Like a drug. It probably one of my addictions (like I needed another one. He). How you feel that you have nothing, yet you may find everything you need in its solitude. Nobody to depend on and no one whom depends on you. I thought about Ill this because I recollected vivi saying how she "wanted" to be lonely for a while. To see if she could make it. I guess the logic I used to persuade her that she was wrong has all but abated in my mind....
Then I thought of Leonard:

"Baby, let's get married We've been alone too longLet's be alone together Let's see if we're that strong"


I woke up with the worst neck ache. I don't know if its from my sleeping position or the awful nightmare I had. I dreamt that my best friend was hitting on my ex-girl friend. yikes!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Romance - anonymous

3 in the morning I got the urge to play this song...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Celebrity fit club

There is show on TV called celebrity fit club where celebrity are forced to lose weight in the form of a contest. Now I'm thinking the US has an obesity problem and the problem is in the masses or in other words the average American. How stupid is it to get celebrities to do a show like this. I mean the reason they are fat isn't fast food its lots and lots of money. Oh and one other thing. Do celebrities really need more confidence? For crying out loud your famous already!

The drums of war

You gotta love Israel's reason for invading a sovereign country like Lebanon. To further implement resolution 1559 that calls for for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias which I'm guessing this means one and only one group. Hezbollah. I wonder how many so called "resolutions" that call for the nuclear disarmament of Israel or the stopping of planned assassinations have been paid as much attention by the U.S. Oh I forgot, someone kept veto-ing those resolutions.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

a little bit of behrang

I couldnt tell if he was enjoying it or not. I personally dont think so. hehe

FAS bbq

Here are some of the people I work with (or at least see) in the wireless comm. lab.

funky coffee part deux

now Im really lovin it!

the garden

notice its not even the beer garden any more its the very pretty "beverage" garden. lol

Friday, July 21, 2006


Lately every time I look in the mirror all I see is curls. Im not just talking about hair. Im simply not straight and Im not talking about sex. I crave curls. I see only curls around me. Everywhere I walk , to whom ever I talk...all I see is the curls in their eyes. The twists in their lives, their faith, their love. my love. my curls. and my longing to intertwine my roots with their deepest doubts. To free them of the trivial straightness that plagues their souls. for I know that this path will only lead to the obvious. I want to slide and twist down the path of life. to converge to that sublime state of content. next time you feel like youve been walking on that straight path for far too long. stop give yourself a spin and gaze at the violet horizon we have all walked passed without notice for all our lives.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

love affair part II

oh and this is by Olive . just love it!

...When you find someone to make your dream
They respond with loving care
His reluctance to contrive his life
Her apparent debonair

In the wake of what she called her right
Here was something they could share
His belief that he was on her side
Her illicit love affair


happy birthday hassan. this was the best picture I had. Nadia will appreciate it I'm sure.
Your a good man and from what I hear a good husband (not perfect but good). So keep up what ever it is you're doing and enjoy your 26th buddy

classical music at SFU

VRC decided to do a free classical music concert at the reflecting pond at SFU. I love classical music but I hate the violin. So thats a bit weird. It looked like a good event so I went. I was amazed by the number of people who showed up. I couldnt help laugh because as soon as the first note was played I felt like leaving. hehe

up - down

Saturday, July 15, 2006

love affair

When their love was all but lost at sea
Quite unable to be seen
In the depths of their subconscious minds
There was something evergreen

If you wipe away her tears you'll find
Bitter sweet humility
It's the backbone of his dignity
What it took to make her see

Friday, July 14, 2006

it wasnt Zidans fault

hanging around

no Ill never get into your heart
I dont even want to start.
no Ill never get into your heart
Im just happy to hang around.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ugly shirt

I left home hating the shirt I had chosen to wear. As I entered the lab I got complemented on it. Go figure

Coffee with a little funk

Renaissance coffee has a program where they invite a jazz band to play every Wednesday evening at the coffee shop. I had a chance to talk and get to know these guys. Michael plays lead guitar and does most of the lyrics. Jim plays bass and bass guitar and sometimes sings along with Michael. Now the idea is for the event to be open mic so anyone can come and do something. Natrually nobody does this but I thought it would be fun if I joined. In the process I got to know the band personally and found out that they are also teachers. Talk about amazing people!
oh and did I mention I get free coffee?


ever notice how all kids tend to dance alike? put a couple of 3 year old next to each other and make them dance. its one cute move. hehe

20mins vs. 5min

hey here is something to think about
my best friend didnt make a 5min trip from cornerstone to my house to hang out. he said it was too far and that he had to study. now I know he wasnt going to study all night. but what hurts me more is trying to figure out why I visit him as often as I do and it takes me more than 20mins to get there. hmmmmm..I know! the answer is in the previous post. well at least partially.

respect bitch

Ive been wondering why I have an easier time making foreign friends than I do making Iranian friends. Now I know. We Iranians have a respect problem. We are sarcastic in every situation with anyone. Now this isnt a problem when we are with only Iranians but people here get offended by it. Ive learned this the hard way with both my (foriegn) girlfriends. But Ive adjusted and now its hard for me to accept it with my Persian friends. I feel like I get offended very easily. And you know what I should! I mean who the fuck do you think you are commenting on my love life saying : " yeah you will know when you fall in love". How do you know how I feel or what I have done or where I have been. Have you ever asked me? have I ever cried on your shoulder and spilled my heart out for you? so keep your butt hole shut and mind your own life. Some people think they are so close to me that they can just talk about anything with me anytime they want.

I think this is a small window into a much bigger issue. An issue Ive been having with people I call "friends". My last girlfriend left me because she wanted to see if she can be by herself alone. back then I took that as an accuse , a lame accuse but now I see what she meant. Dependency is a weakness and right now I am lonely and dependent on my friends. But no more.
here, right now Ive decided to draw the line. Doesnt matter who it is. Whether its my best friend or someone who just thinks she cool cuz she hangs around me. Im telling you loud and clear
oh and

Monday, July 10, 2006

run - snow patrol

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

- ayp

Sunday, July 09, 2006

world cup

I went to see the final game on Commercial Drive. This is the Italian region of Vancouver. Unfortunately I ended up watching the game on a 14in behind the glass of a medical clinic. But is was fun considering all the people. Its great that Italy won but I cant help wonder what all those Italians in the street would have done if they had lost. The after party kinda reminded me of the demonstrations in Tehran. Go figure. hehe. oh and this bicycle guy was interesting.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

a departure

sorry guys behrang will be leaving this blog very soon...

Leonard Cohen

We went to see the premier of "I'm your man", a documentary/tribute to the great Leonard Cohen. A great movie to watch and the only one worth paying for to see on the big screen. The man is an icon in so many fields. He has achieved so much and yet maintained an incredible humble status. His music is revolutionay, his vision dark and enchanting. Nothing makes me slip out of my skin like his songs. and seldom do other songs make me think more profoundly about love., than his.
Thanks Leonard, for everything. You are the man.

- ayp

the world is your oyster

Man have I been busy these days. I presented at IWCMC on Tuesday and the whole thing was a great experience. I meet and mingled with a lot of people, people I will probably need later. ;) A couple of big-heads from Nokia came to our lab yesterday so I had to give a talk to them as well. Other than that I feel great. I feel free with no burdens or chains holding me down. No girl problems no work problems. For the first time in a while I feel like the world is my oyster. haha

Sunday, July 02, 2006


walking down a lonely street...
I felt as if I was being followed. but it was only my shadow. it quickly overtook me, growing and fainting as it passed me by....
reminded me of its creator.
