Thursday, June 08, 2006

commited to speak out!

I've always had problems with the word "commitment".
Its a slippery subject for people in relationships. slippery and fearful. I've had my share of slips with it believe me. We all seek it. Everyone. Its how we look at individualy that's importantl. At least for sustaining any serious relationship.

I've come to notice that people in the west think it is selfish to impose commitment on anyone. The (general) belief is that if its going to happen then its going to happen. Easterners on the other hand like to look at it as self imposed and default, with a much lower threshold level.

Anyhow that's not what I wanted to get into. At least not right now. What I really wanted to say is that why is it when it comes to relationships we become so pessimistic? We tend to see only the emtpy half of the cup. Why don't we look to ourselves first?

Why not talk about "devotion" before we think of "commitment"?

- ayp


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